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Pilot Info

Charges Schedule - All movements are PPR

Opening Hours:                          09:00-18:00 Seven Days A Week (0900-1700 Winter)


Closed:                                         Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day

Landing Fees:                             As itemised in downloadable .pdf below 


Fuel Available:                            Jet A1 (with AL48 anti-icing additive), pressure refueling & Avgas 100LL


Extensions, Overnight Parking & Hangarage

All charges applicable are per aircraft, based on earliest arrival time/site access time, or the latest time of departure and are in addition to all other applicable costs.

Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis, subject to staffing and must be in writing/email confirmed with the duty Manager.

Applicable charges per aircraft:

  • Out-of-Hours (OOH)                                     £120.00           (Ex. VAT) per hour or part thereof

  • Overnight Apron Park (at owners risk)      £  30.00           (Ex. VAT)

  • Hangarage                                                      £100.00           (Ex. VAT) per night


Rotors-Running-Refuels (RRR)


Subject to operational requirements; Cardiff Heliport has always and will endeavour, when able to, accommodate Rotors-Running-Refuels (RRR) for aircraft requiring such services. This service (RRR) will be carried out subject to the Duty Manager’s discretion. All RRR’s are to be booked in advance! All pilots requiring this service are to adhere to any/all instructions promulgated through R/T (radiotelephony) or otherwise.


Flight Plans


Any and/or all pilots filing flight plans do so at their own discretion and they are solely responsible for ensuring that the flight plan has been activated and/or closed.

This being said, we can upon request, activate/close flight plans for the P.I.C which will entail us telephoning Swanick (0845 601 0483) and specifying the callsign, registration and time you landed/departed (according to our movement log).


GAR Reporting

Border Force General Aviation Reporting Guidance Material:


Misc. Services
Flight Plans
GAR Reporting
Scheme Of Charges

As Cardiff Heliport is an unlicensed aerodrome, we DO NOT require a copy of your General Aviation Report (GAR) nor are we obliged/required to obtain one as specified in: “Border Force’s expectations of airfield operators in relation to General Aviation flights”.

Alternatively, the aforementioned document can be found at the web address specified below:

Filing GAR’s remains the pilot’s responsibility. Please, DO NOT send your GAR to us!


Please ensure you’ve read and understood Border Force’s GAR documentation on their website (as stated above).

If in doubt, save your manually filled in GAR as “.xlxs” (Windows 2007 onwards) format.


Submit GAR via email as follows:

Example Email



Subject: GAR, EGFC, Cardiff Heliport, CF10 4LZ

*Subject: GAR, (airfield ICAO e.g. EGFC / ZZZZ for private site), (Name of airfield), (Postcode of airfield if known)

Your GAR will then be sent to the relevant parties in the UK.

Special Events

Please note that opening hours and charges may differ for special events. Special procedures may be in place. Please email: for details.

*Notes – All times are local, charges are subject to VAT at standard rates unless specified otherwise and any Out-of-Hours (OOH) movements are subject to confirmation.

Cardiff Heliport, Foreshore Road, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 4LZ

Operations: 02920 465880

Please book in online at WWW.CARDIFFHELIPORT.COM  or email as above.

Special Events
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